Are you a Vim veteran looking to expand your repertoire? Or a new user wanting to learn how to customize Vim? Either way, you can configure a Vim word processor.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be writing prose with Vim. The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow, doubling as a beginner’s guide to Vim configuration. No matter your Vim experience, you’ll learn something new while making a practical command-line tool.

In this article:

VimConf 2020: Vim Word Processor Workshop

Why Configure a Vim Word Processor?

You probably already use Vim to edit config files or write code, but do you have a Vim word processor mode? There are many practical cases for configuring Vim to write prose.

Let’s talk about them:

  1. Why not? You already know Vim’s excellent for writing code and configs, so why not expand your Vim Universe?
  1. You’re already there: Programmers and system admins spend much time on the command line. Instead of switching to a GUI, you can edit readme.mds, software documentation, and web content right inside your terminal window. 
  1. Control: Vim is fully customizable, so you shape your own word-processing experience. You choose everything, including formatting, features, and fonts.
  1. Vim Practice: Typically, we type more words per minute when writing prose than when coding or configuring. The more keystrokes of Vim practice you get, the quicker you’ll become proficient.
  1. Learning Vim Config:  After completing this project, you’ll understand how to configure Vim. We go through significant components, including editing a vimrc file and installing a plugin. 

Configure Vim by Editing the Vimrc File

Now that you realize you need a Vim word processor, it’s time to edit your vimrc. Inside the vimrc file, customize settings, key mappings, and commands.

Step 1: Open the Vimrc File

The following command will open the vimrc file or create one if it does not already exist. 

$ vim ~/.vimrc

Step 2: Create a Function

Creating a function lets us switch the configuration on and off at will, so we don’t write code and configs using our word processor settings.

[Type “i” to get to insert mode]

function! Writer()

Function declaration:

  • We called the function Writer
  • Writer() has no arguments
  • The bang attribute (!) ensures that Writer() replaces any existing functions with the same name

Step 3: Config Spell Check

Vim comes with a built-in spellcheck tool. We just have to configure it to the appropriate language. I’m configuring mine to American English (en_us).

function! Writer()
 setlocal spell spelllang=en_us

For more options, check out the Vim Spellcheck documentation.

Step 4: Create a Vim Word Processor Command

We’ll create a command to execute Writer().

com! WR call Writer()

Step 5: Test Our Word Processor Function

Now, it’s time to test our code.

function! Writer()
 setlocal spell spelllang=en_us

com! WR call Writer()

[Press escape to go to command mode, then type ZZ to save and quit.]

Once on the command line, create and open a new vim file. Mine is example.txt.

$ vim example.txt

While still in command mode, enter our Writer() command.


Now, let’s get into insert mode and type some text. Be sure to misspell some words. Vim highlights misspelled words in red.

Vim Spellcheck: spelling errors are highlighted in red
Vim Spellcheck

While in command mode, fix misspelled words:

  • Navigation: Use ]s and [s to navigate the misspelled words.
  • Seeing suggestions: When you get to a word you want to fix, type z= to see a list of spelling suggestions. 
  • Choosing a suggestion: Each suggestion has a corresponding number. Type the suggestion’s number, then enter. 
  • Adding a new word: To add a word to the dictionary (instead of correcting it), type zw.
]s moves right and [s moves left
Spellcheck Navigation

Save and quit (ZZ), then go back to your vimrc. 

$ vim ~/.vimrc

Step 6: Text Formatting Options

Add the following code.

setlocal formatoptions = t1

So, Writer() looks like this.

function! Writer()
  setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
  setlocal formatoptions = t1

Text format options:

  • t : Text wrap
  • 1:  insert a line break before one letter words instead of after them.

Step 7: Set Text Width

I set my text width to 80 characters, but I suggest you test a few.

 setlocal textwidth = 80

Step 8:  Indentation

I turned off auto-indent, but you can see more options in the Vim documentation on indenting

 setlocal noautoindent

Step 9: Setting Spaces

I set the tab and shift keys to standard paragraph indentation, 5 spaces.

  setlocal shiftwidth=5
  setlocal tabstop=5

expandtab reads tabs as tabs instead of single spaces.

  setlocal expandtab

For now, we’re done editing our vimrc.

function! Writer()
  setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
  setlocal formatoptions = t1
  setlocal textwidth = 80
  setlocal noautoindent
  setlocal shiftwidth=5
  setlocal tabstop=5
  setlocal expandtab
com! WR call Writer()

Save and quit (ZZ).

Vim Word Processor Plugins

Let’s look at Vim plugins for writing prose:

  • Grammar Checker: No word processor is complete without a grammar checker. The best Vim grammar checker I’ve found is vim-LanguageTool

Installing vim-Language Tool on Vim 8.0

We’ll create a Vim plugin directory, then install the vim-Language Tool and its dependencies. Once installed, we configure its file location and language. 

Operating system: I use Ubuntu Desktop. If you’re not using an Ubuntu or Debian OS, commands may differ.

Step 1: Check Your Vim Version

$ vim --version

Step 2: Create a Vim Plugin Directory 

$ mkdir ~/.vim/pack/bundles/start/

All Vim plugins go into this directory. If you want to organize your plugins, you can add sub-directories to /bundles/. Just make sure you make /start/ in each sub-directory. 

Step 3: Install Dependencies

To use the vim-Language Tool, we must first install:

  • Java Runtime
  • Language Tool Desktop Software

First, we’ll install the Java Runtime.

$ sudo apt install default-jre

Next, we install the Language Tool Desktop Software.

Go to the download page and scroll down to the Desktop Version. After downloading, unzip the directory. 

Step 4: Install the Plugin

Go to your plugin directory.

$ cd ~/.vim/pack/bundles/start/

Then download the tool from GitHub by typing “git clone” followed by the repository link.

$ git clone

Step 5: Configuration

First, locate languagetool-commandline.jar. The file is inside the Language Tool directory. You can find it using the following command.

$ locate languagetool-commandline.jar

Now, let’s open the vimrc file.

$ vim ~/.vimrc

Set the tool’s file location.

let g:languagetool_jar='/home/candy/LanguageTool-5.0/languagetool-commandline.jar'

Set your language. Mine is American English.

let g:languagetool_lang='en_us'

Now, you’re ready to test your Vim grammar checker!

Using Pandoc for Command-line File Conversion

You might be okay with using Vim-friendly file formats, but others may not. If someone wants a Docx or PDF, you can use Pandoc to convert file formats

Step 1: Install Pandoc

The command below works on Ubuntu/Debian operating systems.

$ sudo dpkg -i $DEB

The following command works on other distros.

$ tar xvzf $TGZ --strip-components 1 -C $DEST

Step 2: Convert a File

Read the Pandoc Documentation and find the appropriate configuration command. 

As an example, I will convert to lamp.docx.

$ pandoc -s -S -o lamp.docx

Final Thoughts

Vim is a handy terminal word processor. It’s lightweight and completely customizable. Plus, plugins easily enhance Vim’s out-of-the-box features. So, what will your Writer() include? With the power of Vim at your fingertips, you’re only limit is your imagination. 

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